Category: Beauty

Two girls and both of them are having beautiful braids

French vs dutch braids – what is the difference between dutch and french braid?

It is not clear where the french braids and dutch braids styles originated from but they are certainly a hairstyle that stood the test of time. It has always been a popular and low maintenance option and the best part about it is that anyone, no matter what age, can pull it off.

Dragon tattoo on a woman's hand tattooed by tattoo artist

Tattoo scabs – is tattoo scabbing normal?

A human body is like a perfectly working machine, but even a Swiss watch needs a new battery, just like human body needs protection against threats of everyday life. One of human body systems, blood circulatory system, is extremely vulnerable to any cuts and wounds.

Woman with long wavy hair

Shampoo vs conditioner – let’s find out what goes first shampoo or conditioner

We’re all dreaming of amazing, long, shiny hair. The hair care products manufacturers have us believe, that a single shampooing will add volume to our hair, transform dry and brittle hair into soft and healthy marvel, or at least get us rid of split ends and dandruff. And then they leave us disappointed, as we can’t reach what we were promised.

Let us though get our expectations in line, so that we can benefit from what the products can actually do.

Woman with curly hair is smiling outside

Growing curly hair – let’s find out how to grow curly hair?

How to grow curly hair? A struggle that every owner of natural curls faces at least once in their lifetime, yet rarely finds the very remedy for the problem. With our tips, difficulty growing will be a matter of the past!

Having worn and embraced long curly hair for an entire life, one doesn’t think about hair growth process that much. However, a change of heart does appear shartly a lot, so most of the past long hair owners faced the urge to undergo a right cut and trim the hair (and also personality) a bit. Yet if you don’t like your new hairstyle, going back to the hair growth process might cause a slight trouble. Curly hair grows in stricly messy way; it’s definitely more time consuming than straight hair, with it’s tipical split ends, issues with moisture and breakage. It is not impossible to encourage hair growth in a good way. For more tips on how to make even super curly hair grow to the desired length with taking good care of both the scalp and grow hair, check the points below!

Doctor is injecting botox in chin

Botox for the chin – what should you know about botox in chin?

Aging is affecting the person’s face skin, and this process can affect self conscious of a person who’s skin is a texture of an orange peel. That’s why some people decide on getting a botox injections.

At first let’s explain what the botox (botulinum toxin) is. It is a toxin which is temporarily limiting the movements of muscles under the layers of the skin. Botox can also be used to smooth out the appearance of wrinkles on the lower part of the jaw.

Keep reading the article to find out more about botox and the use of it.

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